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Friday, August 5, 2011

Salemburg's Unique Persons & Events

Why Is Salemburg Unique

·          Where was the first high school and the first hospital in Sampson County?
·          Where in 1889, did the Honorable Kemp P. Battle, the much loved and revered 
        professor, who was able to get UNC – Chapel Hill, NC opened, after being closed 
        for several years during the Civil War Reconstruction years, speak to a crowd of over 1000 people standing in the field?

·          Where did Marion Butler, prominent political leader in the late nineteenth and early twentieth 
         century, begin his career and what school did he use as his first platform for public recognition?

·          What town in the Southeast was chosen for the country’s First Model Rural Community in 1914? 

·          What town in North Carolina had a state law passed making  it a felony to, drink, play billiards, 
        or dance even outside the  the town limits?

·          Where did the mysterious and eccentric Dr. William L. Payne come to set up his Silkworm Industry 
       in hopes of making a fortune for everyone involved?

·          What town is home to the Tarheel Challenge School?

·          Answer:  Salemburg, North Carolina

  - What school had in 1949 the youngest president of any college  in the United States?

  - What school had high school and college girl cadettes trained in military precision, marching, and dressed 
    in military uniforms?
  - What Sampson County high school initiated a Literary Debate Societies in the 19th century?

   - What school in the USA had a campus with over 450 students; on a campus with 5 separate schools, for male 
    and female students, ages 2 years old through second year of college? 

   - What school did Jack Lucas, the youngest Marine in the 20th century to receive the Medal of Honor during
     WWII, attend?

  - What school in the USA was open to interested and deserving students, ages 2 years old through second year
    of college, at NO COST?

  - What school had the largest kiln in the southeast offering classes in china painting, ceramics and other arts?

  - What college did "Pistol" Pete Maravich attend in NC?

  - What school, in 1973, became the North Carolina Justice Academy, to train police officers? President
    Blanchard lobbied as a NC State Senator for this institution and Gov James E. Holhouser hosted the opening    

  - Answer: The school began as Salem Academy in 1874, changing its name later 
      to Pineland College, then to Southwood College, now the NC Justice Academy 
      in Salemburg, NC.

  - What couples started with $100, three wooden buildings and four acres; with NO SUPPORT, 
    built a campus of 35 acres, 5  separate schools, housing 450 students, ages 2 years through second 
    year of college? They provided food for the student body and faculty from a school farm. 
    Working with NO salary they lived in a small apartment under the staircase of the school’s main building?

  - Answer: Mollie Bright Roberts - Edwards - Jones & George Franklin  Edwards/William Jackson Jones. 

  - What Moore County North Carolina girl, born after the Civil War, raised during the Reconstruction years,  attended Guilford  College? She dreamed of creating a school and after a lifetime of   work, was successful in helping thousands of children from four continents, and from nearly every state in the United States?

  - Who marched for woman’s suffrage, picketing the White House during the early nineteen
 hundreds? Who communicated with people in the highest places: Governors, Presidents,
 Heads of Universities, Statesmen, Lawyers, and Businessmen?

  - Answer:  Mollie Bright Roberts Edwards Jones!

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