Book plug

More stories and pictures are available in Sharon Kellam's trilogy Sandspurs. To order, visit

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Recently found alumni of EMI

Cadet Alfred L. Dyson, Jr.  
Edwards Military Institute
Home on leave...Thanksgiving holiday break.
A lot to smile about.....
This picture and information was sent to me by Al. I welcome stories and other pictures from any and all folks with a history from Salemburg, NC during the 100 years of my book Sandspurs.

Sandspurs covers the years 1875 - 1975 in Salemburg, NC. I look forward to sharing with other bloggers. 
Sharon Kellam

1 comment:

  1. Sharon.........Sure glad you are continuing too Gather info and publish and print......Hope your summer is going Well..Take care...John Parrish
